One of my other favorite products is the BIzzy Bee Car Seat Poncho! Made from 2 layers of fuzzy fleece (100% polyester to meet flammability requirements) they keep kids warm without adding dangerous bulky layers between your kiddo and their car seat!
I am not a Certified Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST), but for our kids, we follow all Safe Kids recommendations including extended rear-facing and avoiding using bulky winter coats in the car. This is where car seat ponchos come in! Your child can wear them to and from the car, you buckle your kid under the poncho and the poncho goes on top of your secured child without adding any bulk between your kiddo and their seat!

Like all Bizzy Bee products, these ponchos are made with the kid in mind. The front has velcro closures (not snaps or a zipper) so most kids can put these coats on themselves, encouraging independence, it also means once your car warms up most kids can undo their coat to prevent overheating. The prints are fun and we'd be happy to work with you on a custom poncho if you're not finding something your kid is excited about!
